Thought Leader Consultant of the Year
Mark Essex helps KPMG’s clients navigate problems for which there is no playbook. Brexit – Covid – hybrid – an upside-down labour market. They’ve kept coming in recent years…
Doing this requires a completely different approach to most research and thought leaderships; there is no evidence to assess, and often no methodology. And year Mark’s clients are in need of answers. They can’t afford to wait until the facts are clear to take decisions with long lead times. This is the ambiguous world in which decisions have to be made with uncomfortably little to go on. It requires the painting of plausible futures and then testing strategies against each other. Identifying the no-regrets decisions which seem to be good value across a myriad of situations.
Mark uses analogy, plain English and a bit of humour to get his message across. He often finds himself on the opposite side of prevailing wisdom and is entirely comfortable in that space. Tackling today’s systemic challenges and the megatrends of the future. Mark keeps his eye on the fact that sometimes, it’s the peripheral risk that bites you – it’s all very well getting salad on the shop shelves but if your fridge spare parts are stuck in a traffic jam, the store is still shut…
Mark’s raison d’etre is to find high percentage plays for clients which get the right balance of risk and reward. And if views and click-throughs and client feedback are anything to go by, he’s succeeding.
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