Jo Lister is an experienced consultant with a background in engineering who holds the distinction of being the first person to achieve the ChMC accreditation through the depth interview route. She was a finalist in the Experienced Leader category at the MCA Awards 2023.
Speaking about her motivation of becoming Chartered, she said:
“For me, there were two main reasons. Firstly, I recently transitioned to a new internal role that involved managing and overseeing our Charter management consultant applications. To do this effectively without holding the ChMC certification felt inadequate. I knew that in order to own the process and guide others through it, I needed to have gone through it myself. Secondly, I transitioned to a new role that involved managing and overseeing our Chartered Management Consultant applications. To do this without holding the ChMC certification felt ineffective. I knew that in order to own the process and guide others through it, I needed to have gone through it myself. Getting this role was the push I needed to complete the paperwork, but more importantly, it was about gaining that seal of approval from a professional body and affirming my status as a management consultant.”
As the first to have undergone the in-depth route, Jo highlighted the advantages of this option to Chartered, saying:
“When I began managing our application process, the in-depth route was a new pilot initiative. The reduced word count for this route meant saving considerable time on the paperwork aspect, which as we’re all busy, was a definite perk. Additionally, with 12 years of experience, I had a wealth of real-life examples to draw from. This extensive experience made me less nervous about the extended professional conversation portion of the assessment, as I knew I had a wide range of examples to discuss. So, the primary benefit of the in-depth route was the expedited journey to the interview, thanks to the lowered word count, and the opportunity for a more extensive professional discussion.”
Explaining how Chartership helps professionals stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, she said:
“Chartership introduces a common language and standard, ensuring that all Chartered Management Consultants, regardless of their firm, are on the same page. This consistency is crucial in emphasising the core competencies across the industry. Sitting on the Chartered Management Consulting Working Group, I’ve had first-hand insight into how as an industry we are developing consultants through this framework. It’s clear that this shared language and standardisation benefit the entire industry.”
For those considering ChMC, Jo offered some advice:
“ChMC might not seem to be an obvious career step, especially for experienced professionals. However, it’s how you can recognise your competency level across the consulting industry. It’s a great way to gain personal validation and professional credibility. Whether it’s for promotions or demonstrating your expertise to peers, or clients, ChMC is valuable both personally and professionally.”
Discussing the broader impact of ChMC on the profession, Jo said:
“I foresee a significant impact, especially among junior consultants who aspire to start working towards achieving Chartership early in their careers. This accreditation is gaining momentum and is often discussed from their first days working with us. Moreover, the industry’s commitment to consistent standards is evident, showcasing what a great management consultant looks like and presenting a unified approach.”
For Jo being Chartered has meant not only recognition but also validation. She said:
“Being recognised by seasoned professionals as a knowledgeable consultant was a gratifying experience. It provided validation and reinforced my identity as a management consultant. Additionally, the bragging rights shouldn’t be underestimated. Having the ability to display the ‘Chartered Management Consultant’ badge on LinkedIn, or use the word “chartered” when explaining your profession to family members unfamiliar with consulting, is a significant win!”
Find out more about the Chartered Management Consultant Award.