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Home Events Young MCA | Online Session – Brain-Hacks for Sanity, Productivity and Anxiety
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Young MCA | Online Session – Brain-Hacks for Sanity, Productivity and Anxiety

It is perfectly natural to be finding our current circumstances difficult. We’re all facing some form of anxiety – whether that’s a conscious thought of how much food you have left in the house, or an unconscious unease that is leading to disturbed sleep.

How can understanding how our brains work help us to better manage all of this? How can we stay sane without our usual routines, colleagues and social contact? How can we stay productive and do our best work? How can we manage our anxiety?

Business Psychologist Helen Frewin will answer these questions in an engaging and practical session, including a few of our members sharing their top tips as well.

The aim of this virtual forum is to allow Young Consultants to share common issues and support each other during this current period of change.

Register to attend this session below.


3rd April 2020
12:00 - 12:45
Event Category:


Lorraine Nicolson
020 7645 7961


Tickets are not available as this event has passed.