Using AI, robotics and process automation to transform NHS patient pathways


In their recent insight, CF shares that the UK’s healthcare sector is at a pivotal point, with Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and process automation poised to revolutionise healthcare delivery and the corporate functions that underpin it.

The NHS has the potential to be at the international forefront of system-wide transformation using these technologies. It represents a unique environment for innovation – it is a single-provider system with universal data coverage, it is supported by an established and growing Life Sciences industry and its regulators are among the most forward-thinking in use of data and technology in medicines.

Incoming innovations in these technologies promise many advantages, including more preventative and personalised care, support to clinicians and other staff, and reduced healthcare costs. Ultimately, they are expected to boost productivity in health services, and to improve patient health outcomes and experiences. As the NHS navigates significant operational challenges and strives to recover from the impact of the pandemic, the urgency of this work is clear.


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