Tim Payne, KPMG

Tim Payne, KPMG

Chartered Management Consultant of the year

MCA Awards 2024 FinalistTim Payne exemplifies what it is to be a Chartered Management Consultant, demonstrating professional integrity, capability and curiosity throughout his career. Tim’s academic roots mean he has always valued evidence-based consulting practice and solutions.

At KPMG, Tim has been a team leader, UK-wide practice leader and engagement partner, often working on large multi-national projects. His focus on and appreciation of clients’ HR and people agendas has been informed by two stints on the ‘other side of the fence’: as a senior HR practitioner for a Japanese investment bank, and as leader of the HR function and people agenda for KPMG through the financial crisis, sitting on the KPMG European Board and Exco. This deepened his insight into client dynamics and priorities, and sharpened his gift for practical problem-solving.

Tim has led many complex client engagements, with a specialism in financial services regulation, culture and psychological safety. He was KPMG’s FS Consulting Quality leader through 2022-23. He has supported clients through periods of FCA, PRA and DoJ scrutiny and is known in the market as a ‘skilled person’ for culture remediation. Currently, a topical focus is on supporting clients to think through the implications of Gen AI on their workforce and HR functions.

Tim has been a champion of diversity and mentoring young talent. He frequently shares his expertise at industry events and as a commentator in the press and in social channels. He is a true ambassador for our industry.

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