Keith Burgess Head of Leadership Development Curriculum – EMEA at IBM talks about the importance of the Chartered Award, what it has meant for him and why Chartered matters for clients.
“I am thrilled to be recognised as a Chartered Management Consultant. It’s great to have tangible recognition of the professional level I have achieved in the career I have chosen. This puts me on a par with Chartered Engineers, Chartered Accountants, and other similar professions.”
A few years ago, I moved away from a role with external clients. I am now responsible for consultancy skills training across EMEA in IBM Consulting. The ChMC award gives me that extra credibility in front of the practitioners that I train in the classes that we deliver. It enables me to demonstrate my personal expertise in the profession, and to be a role model for continuing professional development.
“The ChMC award sets the gold standard for the consulting profession. Having chartered status helps us to build trust with clients. It proves that the skills and capabilities our talented IBM consultants deliver with clients are the highest standards. The clients we serve deserve nothing less.”
IBM Consulting has really got behind this programme, supported me in becoming one of the first to attain this award, and I believe has more Chartered Management Consultants than any other consulting organisation.
“I am proud that the ChMC Award now exists to recognise the skills, impact and profession of management consultancy. The award recognises the full breadth of what we do, from client impact to ethics and inclusion, along with the focus on continuous development.”
ChMC certification is now being offered to all IBM Consulting employees in the UK.