More than 70 countries, over 6,500 athletes and officials, 17 sports, 11 venues and more than one million ticket holders, but just one aim: to make Glasgow 2014 ‘the standout Games in the history of the Commonwealth movement’. With an immovable deadline and the eyes of 1.5 billion viewers focused on Scotland, there was no room for error.
As the only and official professional advisors to the Games, Team EY was at the heart of Glasgow’s planning and execution providing advisory services across the whole organisation, including internal audit and security. EY tackled key risk areas at every stage, before, during and after the Games.
Under the watchful eye of the Commonwealth Games Federation as well as the UK and Scottish governments, EY was given a clear brief: there was to be no high profile shortcomings to divert from the goal of delivering the best Games ever.
In the run up to, during and after the Games, EY’s robust approach:
- Developed a rolling internal audit plan to respond to a rapidly changing risk profile.
- Provided a senior management team to deliver focused reviews, identifying key risks.
- Delivered real time reporting and action monitoring.
- Prevented potential high profile shortcomings, such as in security provision.
- Ensured ‘Games time’ assurance.
Singled out by the Organising Committee Chairman for providing him with genuine confidence that Glasgow would stay on track, delivering the most successful Games ever, and with a lasting legacy, EY’s commitment to Scotland proved to be a gold medal performance.