All MCA firms are invited to take part in the Consulting Excellence Staff Survey. This is the first of what will be an annual exercise.
For more information on Consulting Excellence, please visit:
Why take part?
This is your opportunity to:
- Take part in shaping the Consulting Excellence revolution.
- Comment on the consulting industry's standing and reputation.
- Shape your firm's approach to the Consulting Excellence principles.
The survey will:
- Gauge awareness of the Consulting Excellence scheme
- Secure detailed staff perspectives, particularly on career development.
- Provide the MCA with a baseline for the scheme's initial impact, from which we can measure future progress.
- Supplement your firms' own self assessment of staff.
Survey details
The survey is open to all MCA firms. The results will form the basis of two reports, one public and one for MCA firms only.
The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete. The survey closes 24 December 2016.
The anonymity of individual respondents and firms will be scrupulously protected.
For more information, and for questions, please contact: