ACCELERATION: How did organisations accelerate their Digital journeys over the last 12 months, and how can they grasp this huge opportunity going forward?
IT leaders and their teams had a great opportunity to show their value in responding to the pandemic. Our annual survey reveals the extent to which 138 senior IT leaders were able to accelerate their digital journeys over the tumultuous last 12 months, and how, in many ways, the pandemic unintentionally created the ideal conditions for IT leaders to excel:
- Over 50% of organisations shifted their entire business operations to digital during the pandemic
- Almost two thirds received additional funding to accelerate initiatives
- 82% stated that business and IT leadership played a key role in improving ways of working across the business
- 68% of respondents either strongly, or generally, agreed that acceleration helped them to digitalise more of their operations
Read the full insight on the Coeus Consulting website