For CSOs, decarbonisation is just the beginning


According to PwC’s 27th Annual Global CEO Survey, reducing emissions remains a priority for many executives. When asked about mitigation actions like improving energy efficiency and innovating climate-friendly products and services, a robust majority of the survey’s 4,702 respondents said their company had completed those actions or were in the process of doing so.

Three other increasingly urgent priorities—adapting to climate change, ensuring that the energy transition doesn’t leave any stakeholders behind, and managing dependence and impact on nature—aren’t getting the nearly same level of attention from business leaders, however.

They should, because the warning signals are flashing red, consider that two-thirds of respondents to the World Economic Forum’s 2024 Global Risks Report rank extreme weather as the risk most likely to present a material crisis on a global scale in the coming year. And yet only around half of CEOs or fewer say they’re building climate risk into their resilience programs or financial planning, or taking measures to protect their physical assets and workforce from climate shocks. Only 12% of CEOs say they’re highly exposed to climate threats at all.

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