In his latest blog post relating to Future of Work, Curzon’s Managing Consultant Rodrigo Quezada Dighero focuses on the transformation of healthcare medical sales reps.
Exploring how the pandemic has disrupted the face-to-face salesforce, and the unique opportunity this presents to adapt the operating model for future success.
The effectiveness of a disrupted salesforce
One year into the pandemic and face-to-face sales look very different from 12 months ago. Medical Reps are facing exceptional challenges in reaching their sales targets, as restrictions on in-person meetings with HCPs continue.
The gravity of the situation is reflected in the 16 new drugs launched during COVID-19 lockdowns, that are at risk of sales failures, according to one pharma consulting group.
However, the lifting of lockdowns is unlikely to return the industry back to ‘normal’. In fact, the evidence shows a stark reality for in-person sales.
About 60% of surgeons believe that restrictions on in-person sales are likely to remain even after a Covid-19 vaccine is available and lockdown restrictions abate.

Moreover, the changing landscape is not just a result of the pandemic; it’s expedited the necessary changes, but fundamentally, companies have been very slow to adapt their operating models to address the needs and wants of their customers and workforce.
Of the 75% of physicians who preferred in-person visits from Medtech representatives prior to Covid-19, 47% would now opt for a virtual exchange or less-frequent visits.
Many physicians once sceptical of any virtual interaction with sales reps now report these exchanges are high quality and offer a much better experience.
Healthcare providers are demanding more from pharma, as they seek greater value from their interactions with Med Reps.
69% of doctors now want digital patient education
67% want more education on remote patient care
65% need specific information on conditions relative to COVID-19
65% require information to help patients access labs, tests and imaging
It’s clear as medical professionals endure the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, changes are here to stay, and adaptation is crucial to success.
Read the full insight on the Curzon Consulting website