Healthcare review Q3 2022


The third quarter of 2022 saw increased activity in the private healthcare market with 95 deals.

The UK private healthcare sector is still proving strong in all areas, with investments from private equity (PE), real estate investment trusts (REITs), and private buyers from both the UK and abroad.

The social care market looks to be the most active this quarter, with just over a third of deals. This market, especially elderly care, was one of the most effected by COVID-19, but has come back through with investors attracted to it.

The leading markets in healthcare M&A

Q3 saw an increase in social-care deals, especially in the elderly-care market, which has been slowly making a comeback this year. Aedifica, the Belgium REIT, who’ve been very active in this space, continue to be active, with four deals this quarter totaling six care homes (two purpose-built and four under construction). This market continues to be a space REITs like and want to continue growing in. Beaumont Care Homes acquired the remaining 29 Four Seasons care homes in Northern Ireland. This marks an important stage in the ongoing restructure, leaving just over 100 homes to sell in England, Scotland, and Jersey. Anchor Hanover made two acquisitions this quarter: both are £50 million-plus deals. They acquired Halycon Care Homes Topco Ltd in Leeds and Hadrian Healthcare (Roundhay) Ltd and Hadrian Healthcare (Skipton) Ltd both homes are under construction. We also saw Acalis enter the UK market with the acquisition of Balhousie Care.


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