Tackling the gap



Harnessing community assets to improve equity in public health outcomes.


Communities come in all shapes and sizes, but all have an important role to play in the health of their local population. They do this directly through the provision of health, education and housing services, green spaces, sports facilities, and active travel initiatives. Communities also do this indirectly, by supporting the development of social capital and through social cohesion and feelings of safety. To improve the economic, social, and public health of communities, the focus needs to be on utilising their strengths.

This report, part of the future of public health series, seeks to demonstrate the importance of asset-based, place-based solutions for improving public health and reducing health inequalities.

While the broad objective is health protection and the prevention of ill health, the provision of services also needs to be equitable, creating opportunities for everyone to achieve their full potential.


Read more about this on their website.