BAE Systems has developed the Gender Diversity Toolkit, a tool which offers an entirely unique, effective method of measuring the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion efforts within organisations and cross the industry. By measuring diversity and inclusion on an eight axis maturity scale, the toolkit provides a structured framework from which targeted, tangible and value-creating action plans can be devised and deployed, resulting in a positive impact on the company, our clients, our partners, and the industry as a whole.
The Gender Diversity Toolkit was developed from the outputs of a joint event with the MCA in 2017, before being rolled out across through a selection of our leadership teams, who dedicated time to participate in workshops and drive through the resulting actions. This commitment to diversity and actionable change demonstrates outstanding business conduct.
By introducing the toolkit, we have sent a clear message to our staff and the entire engineering industry that we are a responsible employer who is not only aware of the issues surrounding gender diversity, but committed to driving change.
Following these workshops, we have since shared this success with our clients and at external events and conferences. External publicity such as this significantly enhances the company’s reputation as not just an organisation that is involved in discussions around diversity and inclusion, but is leading the way in terms of innovative solutions.
So far, the Gender Diversity Toolkit has received an immensely positive response from all participants. One of the biggest impacts has come from the fact that, as one team said, this is the only time many of our participants have experienced a leadership team putting genuine time, thought and effort into how to improve diversity and inclusion.
Until now, there have been countless good intentions across the engineering industry, when it comes to gender diversity and inclusion, but a severe lack of solid advice or best practice methods. This has created an atmosphere where people feel that diversity and inclusion are paid lip service to, but where tangible change has been a rarity. With the Gender Diversity Toolkit, BAE Systems has developed a unique, first of its kind tool which will enable organisations to bring meaningful improvements to diversity and inclusion across the industry and beyond.
View the BAE Systems Applied Intelligence profile in the MCA Members Directory.