Holly Armitage is a leader and role model in every sense.
Her job title – Head of Data Services – only hints at her huge impact and influence, both inside and outside BAE Systems Applied Intelligence.
Arriving from a senior role in government, she served as HMRC’s Head of Applied Data – she has single-handedly revolutionised our approach to strategy development, data ethics and supporting junior colleagues.
From working alongside a large financial institution to deliver a multi-billion pound technology transformation to leading our data ethics and literacy thought leadership to investing in the capabilities of junior team members, Holly’s track record is like no other. No wonder colleagues of all rank jostle for the opportunity to work with her.
Holly’s combination of expertise and eloquence has seen her in huge external demand. A keynote speaker at this year’s Tech London’s flagship event, The AI Summit, she is a regular speaker and panellist on challenges, opportunities and culture barriers facing a data-driven society, presenting at events such as Smart London, EveryWoman Tech Forum and the Athena Code Show.
In 2019, Holly was awarded the ‘Most Influential Women in Aerospace and Defence’ by the Influential Businesswoman Awards, and she is a proud advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM, including volunteering and mentoring with Stemettes in her spare time.
A consultant for less than three years, Holly has achieved more than many do in their entire career. And what’s most exciting? She’s only just getting started…
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