10 things you (probably) didn’t know about management consulting…

  1. The UK is a significant exporter of management consulting services. Most MCA member

firms have increased their exports significantly since 2008

  1. Many consulting projects are at the cutting edge of innovation and new thinking. For

instance, recent MCA Award winners helped create a digital car showroom, launch a new

bank and kept all the transport working during the London Olympics.

  1. More than a quarter of consulting in the UK is now digital. This is the largest and the fastest

growing part of the consulting industry.

  1. All of the major global consulting firms are strong in the UK consulting industry – but so are

many specialist smaller firms which have specific expertise or skills

  1. Independent research for the MCA has shown that consulting projects, on average, generate

benefits for clients worth £6 for every £1 spent in fees.

  1. Britain’s consultants are world leaders in infrastructure, planning and construction. Bridges,

railways, airports, hospitals and roads are often built with the help of UK management


  1. Britain’s consulting firms work for almost all of the country’s leading companies, and with

most organisations in the public sector

  1. In recent years, consultants have helped public sector organisations to save money – and to

improve the quality of their services. They have saved hospitals from insolvency, improved

safety on our railways and created innovative ways of delivering local government services.

  1. More and more consulting is being done on a ‘payments by results’ basis. Instead of charging

for their time, consultants agree their objectives and get paid when they meet them.

  1. The UK’s consulting industry grew by 8% in 2013, its best performance since 2007. The

growth of consulting is concentrated in areas where wider economic growth can follow.