The 5th instalment of the Vodafone Barometer has now been released and provides a picture across all markets on the rapid maturity that has come to customers who have integrated IoT into their business infrastructure. With responses from 1,278 enterprise and public sector executives across 8 industries in 13 countries, Vodafone were able to review closely the last 5 years of the growth of adoption and research;
- what the IoT landscape looks like today,
- why organisations choose to adopt IoT and the benefits of doing so,
- what IoT adopters are doing to push ahead of the competition,
- why they see security as an enabler of IoT,
- look ahead to the future: what do adopters expect to see from IoT and what is in store for connected businesses in the next five years?
We have seen businesses transform over the last 5 years, with better streamlined workflows and improvement to customer experience. IoT can now integrate with data analytics applications and adds value across a business in so many ways, including cutting costs, reducing risks, increase in revenue and increase in efficiency. More businesses are allocating a good chunk of their budgets in IoT than 12 months previously, with many seeing an average of 19% on ROI.
The Vodafone Barometer is designed to provide insights that can help organisations take the next step.
To understand more, we have created a short video, infograph and executive summary along with IoT Barometer 2017/2018 and can all be downloaded here –