With a great ambition to build on the success of the last year, the Young MCA network has started 2015 with a real bang! In January, Mott MacDonald and LCP Consulting held an insightful event on 'Strengthening Personal Resilience’. The event, presented by an Associate of the Management Advisory Service , advised on how best to manage the demanding, high pressure and stressful situations you may face in your career. In February CSC also ran a panel event on the hot topic of 'Social Media and Business' Guest speakers from CSC, EY and PwC all shared their views on the future of social media and its impacts on businesses.
As you may have heard, the MCA, together with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) have announced they will be working together to develop and launch a new chartered qualification. The Chartered Management Consultant is intended to be a badge of recognition for the skills, knowledge and professionalism for management consultants . The Young MCA will be actively involved with the MCA and CMI to not only support the project, but to provide input into shaping the qualification.
Beyond our recent events, we are excited to be partnering with Grow Movement in support of their Uganda600 volunteering programme. where by Grow Movement will be working with London Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business to evaluate the impact of virtual consultancy on entrepreneur performance in Uganda. For Young MCA members who are interested in becoming a volunteer or finding out more information, please get in touch with our CSR leads David Connors (david.j.connors@uk.pwc.com) or Matthew Beckford (matthew.beckford@haygroup.com).
In addition to maintaining our university engagements, we recently held our first event at Nottingham University. A panel of young consultants from EY, Atos, BearingPoint and PwC presented to an audience of undergraduates giving an insight into what it’s really like to work in management consulting.
Last summer’s member survey has been helpful in enabling the steering committee to become more responsive to member’s needs. We continuously strive to respond to what our members have asked for and will be looking circulating another member survey in the next quarter. In the meantime, please don't hesitant to provide us with any feedback We look forward to hearing from you – youngmca@mca.org.uk or @TheYoungMCA.
Jer Lau, Young MCA Chair and Management Consultant at PwC (@miss_jer168)