Day in the Life of a Consultant – Alec Brazier

Alec Brazier


Egremont Group

I joined Egremont Group after graduating with a Master’s in Biology in 2018, specialising in Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology. I didn’t have specific ambitions to go into consulting but I knew I wanted a role that would allow me to be continuously challenged as I had been during my degree and continue to learn even though my formal studies were over. It was also very important to me that I started out my career as I meant to go on, so I was looking to work for a company that was making a positive difference and improving people’s lives.

I was contacted by a recruitment consultant who had found me on LinkedIn and thought that I would be a good cultural fit for Egremont Group. As soon as I heard a description of the kind of work they do, and what they were looking for from an Analyst, I was immediately interested. The assessment day that I was invited to only made me more curious about the company, as they explained their focus on empowering people in the workplace within every project they do.

Very quickly upon joining Egremont Group, I was thrown into a project with one of our biggest UK clients, working on site Monday to Thursday. My focus is helping ensure that the work we do with the client is sustainable, and that we track the benefits. As a company, we set out to transfer our capabilities to our clients, which means that all the work I do is done collaboratively with the client team to build the tools and skills they need to overcome their challenges.

As my current project is outside of London, adjusting to working away from home during the weeks was challenging at first, but I also very quickly understood the upsides to this – only a ten-minute commute to the office for starters! Plus, I love the people-focused nature of our work and being on site helps me see the changes and improvements first hand, which I find really rewarding. Each team on project have regular dinners together to remain connected, and I have found that being away from home doesn’t have to be a barrier to doing what you enjoy.

I spend most Fridays back in the London Head Office catching up with the wider team. Beyond client work, Egremont Group encourages all staff to get involved with internal projects as well. I have recently had the opportunity to help develop Egremont’s Environmental Strategy and Management System, working with a small team to try and make a positive change to the way we govern as an organisation. It is great to know that each member of the team is contributing to Egremont Group’s growth, development and commitment to corporate social responsibility in their own way.

I would definitely recommend consulting as a great starting point for any graduate who is openminded and eager to learn a lot. No day is the same, and you get to work with a range of colleagues and clients on a weekly basis. And I love working for an organisation that shares my values when it comes to making positive changes. I think that the best thing you can do is to properly research the organisations that you would like to work for, not only to ensure they are a right fit for career aspirations, but to also confirm that the type of work you will be doing is something that will excite you and it’s somewhere you’ll feel proud to work.