Inclusion Award
“The best among you are those who bring greatest benefits to many others.”
Bukhari 8:73:56
To be a Muslim today is not without its challenges. Unfortunately, Islamophobia and stereotypes still linger, misinformation can flow and misunderstandings all too often take root.
Fathima Rahman knows all about these difficulties. As a young British Muslim she’s experienced them in many forms all her life. But she’s also not one to settle for the status quo.
Shortly after starting work on the BAE Systems graduate scheme, and in addition to her client responsibilities, she took over the running of what was then the company’s Muslim Network, a small group with just six employees on its global distribution list.
Under her leadership, and in just 18 months, it has transformed into a beacon of inclusivity, with a fast rising membership and diverse array of events all testament to Fathima’s indefatigability and determination to make a real difference in the lives of Muslims – and non-Muslims – across the company.
Now named Understanding Islam, this Employee Resource Group has become a vibrant community where Muslim and non-Muslim employees come together to break down barriers, develop greater knowledge and build relationships.
With about 230 members based all around the world, including 15 UK civil servants, Understanding Islam is also working with its counterparts in the British government, as well as other faith-based networks, to foster empathy, tackle misconceptions and contribute towards an open and welcoming environment for all – at BAE Systems and beyond.
View the BAE Systems Digital Intelligence profile in the MCA Members Directory.