Team Leader Consultant of the Year
In June 2018, Paul hopped on a train to Edinburgh for a six-week engagement with Standard Life Aberdeen (SLA) to help their Infrastructure & Technology (I&T) team identify how best to scale their processes to support the new organisation following the merger of Standard Life and Aberdeen Asset Management. Four years on, Paul has proved crucial to shaping how SLA’s IT is delivered – leading two separate teams to re-imagine how the sourcing and operating models for Infrastructure (2018-2019) and Applications & Change Delivery (2020-2021) work.
We fully believe Paul deserves the Team Leader award given the great outcomes he facilitated for his client, their partners, and the people that he developed. He repeatedly proved himself over a lengthy period through his ‘sleeves rolled up’ leadership style – leading by example to do the right thing by the client, and expecting the same from others, living the mantra of “badges need to be left at the door”. This was no easy task in a newly formed FTSE100 organisation, spanning international boundaries, in a multi-supplier, multi-disciplinary team environment, further compounded for a significant period by COVID.
We know that one of Paul’s proudest achievements while leading complex programmes of change, which relied on the breadth and depth of his subject matter expertise, he prioritised being available to help the advancement of others; those he developed now leading similar projects of their own, promoted to more senior roles, or more confident and self-sufficient.
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