Chartered Management Consultant of the year
Olivia is passionate about making a difference – for her clients, her colleagues, her teams and her firm. If there’s a leadership void, she naturally fills the gap, giving colleagues the confidence to deliver professionalism and high-quality service with a smile. Olivia finds innovative solutions and resolves problems, combining creativity and collaboration to bring diverse ideas together, resulting in bespoke and tailored responses to challenges. Her approachable and supportive leadership ability is recognised throughout the PwC business, but she’s still hungry to develop new skills, to better serve her clients and teams, and to satisfy her own curiosity. Olivia is proud to be a Chartered Management Consultant. She became chartered in 2022, with the accreditation process pushing her to reflect on her journey in consulting, and shifting her brand and confidence from one of a Change Management SME, to that of a Transformation Leader. In her work, Olivia is unwaveringly committed to her two key priorities: driving people-centred, transformational, sustainable change; and developing the future generation of consultants. Indeed, she sees it as a privilege to work in this profession, so she’s committed to being an ambassador for the industry and the great work it does, whether clients (initially) believe in the power of consulting or not. Olivia epitomises the exceptional standard expected of a Chartered Consultant, putting her duty of care, professional ethics and values at the heart of everything she does, driving excellence and training her teams to do the same.
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