Amey Consulting with Network Rail

Change and Transformation in the Public Sector

In the very early days, we began with a mission to monitor rail’s overhead line using equipment installed onto passenger trains. Sounds simple, but there’s a twist. Our client, Network Rail, didn’t just want to buy some monitoring equipment and install it onto some trains. They wanted the rail industry to come together to create a new data inspection service that Network Rail could procure.

This was based on the idea that each player would deliver ‘what they do best’ to create a super service that would meet the needs of Network Rail’s asset and maintenance engineers. Network Rail asked Amey to help them form a stealth team to get their ‘data as a service’ mission off the ground. This meant integrating Amey programme leads and project managers with Network Rail technical experts into a unified team with a single vision: to bring about a transformation in the way Network Rail manages and maintains its assets, leveraging technology to empower its engineers with the right and reliable information.

Overhead line monitoring is currently a very manual task with any digital on-train inspection taking place only once or twice a year via a dedicated Network Rail train. Monitoring using passenger trains
would mean data collected every few days or weeks, so engineers can search for faults using video and monitoring footage from the safety and comfort of a desk.

The Infrastructure Monitoring Programme, of which this project is part of, has become known its commitment to making a difference to the way engineers can work now. Thanks to our partnership with Network Rail, we are pioneering technology adoption and changing the way infrastructure is monitored and managed and doing so much more safely.

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