Warren Middleton, KPMG

Warren Middleton, KPMG

Lifetime Achievement Award

MCA Awards 2024 FinalistAcross a 25+ year career at KPMG, Warren Middleton has been an inspirational and change-making figure. He has excelled as a consulting leader for clients, spearheading numerous major transformational projects across Financial Services, technology, government and other areas.

Particular specialisms have been retail banking clients; banking technology, including payments (Warren led on chip and pin advisory and also the project to digitise cheque processing); technology start-ups and scale-ups; and advising clients on the integration of technologies such as Microsoft Dynamics and Workday.

But Warren has also done so much more. He has led KPMG’s Manchester office as Office Senior Partner over the last four years, including the critical post-pandemic period; left a legacy for the firm by masterminding the acquisition and integration of several other businesses into KPMG; championed the technology and start-up ecosystem by leading the KPMG UK Tech Innovator awards; driven the social mobility agenda through leading KPMG’s involvement with the pioneering UA92 university; and mentored, developed and supported countless talented individuals in their careers.

Warren was the first Consulting Partner to become an Office Senior Partner, paving the way for others. He developed the initial business plan for the multi-million pound KPMG Ignition Centre in Manchester which opened in the summer of 2023. This is an innovative and inspirational workspace for clients to work alongside KPMG.

Due to retire from KPMG at the end of April 2024, Warren has had an enormous impact on the firm and the consulting landscape – a legacy that will endure.

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