Today, competition in the energy industry is fierce. In response, E.ON needed to transform its approach to IT services – making smarter sourcing decisions to minimise costs, and forge stronger, disruption-enabling relationships.
Coeus Consulting worked with E.ON to create this new, more flexible, more strategic sourcing strategy, and to deliver its first fruits: a landmark Managed Communications Services deal, and a burgeoning relationship with a supplier that’s committed to delivering technological innovation.
For an energy generator, distributor and retailer such as E.ON, stable, high-quality voice and video communications are essential – supporting everything from board-level strategic conversations to the operation and maintenance of distribution infrastructure, and the effective delivery of customer-facing services.
With its current MCS contract with T-Systems approaching its end, Coeus’ highly experienced team helped E.ON:
- Build a strong business case, which clearly identified the benefits for going to market
- Run a collaborative, non-prescriptive tender process
- Achieve consensus on the new contract across business units and geographies
- Drive cultural change to ensure the programme’s success
- Manage operational change, and service cutover
This meant orchestrating radiating communications, to reach – at various stages in the programme’s delivery – everyone from senior decision-makers and operational stakeholders to end users in multiple territories.
Trusted by E.ON to run a significant proportion of the programme’s daily operations, the Coeus team co-located to Hannover to be on-site with E.ON and, ultimately, Infosys – E.ON’s new MCS supplier.
By developing close relationships with all parties, and applying its rigorous project management expertise, the Coeus team helped E.ON overcome resistance to change, mitigate risks to the business case, and ultimately experience a remarkably smooth migration of these mission-critical services.
Outcomes for E.ON have included:
- €92m in projected cost savings
- 12 new and 45 enhanced SLAs
- A broader service catalogue and improved lead times
- A more flexible agreement structure
- Access to best-in-class technologies
- Numerous commitments to joint working and innovation, with real and tangible investment from Infosys
- Seamless migration of services to mitigate disruption to the business and end users
This is landmark deal for both E.ON and Infosys, and a crucial first step the execution of E.ON’s new, flexible, cost-effective, innovation-centric sourcing strategy.