MCA responds to PAC report on management consultants in central government

The MCA has responded to the Public Accounts Committee’s report on the use of management consultants and interims by central government. Alan Leaman, chief executive of the MCA said:

“The PAC has recognised that management consultancy is a legitimate and valuable expenditure for central government departments; this is particularly true in an era of reductions in spending and the need to achieve a step-change in public sector productivity.

Like us, the Committee also wants to see further improvements in how management consultancy is used. I am particularly pleased that the Committee has raised the topic of payment by results; MCA members are happy to be judged and rewarded on the outcomes and value that they deliver, not just the time that they put in.

The PAC has also rightly pointed out that a ‘stop-go’ approach will not deliver value for money. The current moratorium is storing up expensive problems for the future. The new government has a responsibility to use management consultancy in a way that delivers sustainable value for the public.”

For further information, please contact:

Hilary Downes, PR & Policy Manager
07943 805594