Seeking Professional Recognition through ‘Chartered Management Consultant’


The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) (including the Institute of Consulting (IC)) and the Management Consultancies Association (MCA) have announced that they are working together to develop and launch a new chartered qualification, as a badge of recognition for the skills, knowledge and professionalism of management consultants.

In a joint statement Ann Francke, CEO of the CMI and Alan Leaman, CEO of the MCA said: “Our aim is to secure greater recognition for the professionalism of management consulting by creating the award of ‘Chartered Management Consultant’. Our first step is to design the scope and content of the Award, looking at entry criteria and assessment processes.”

Both parties are clear that, for this initiative to be successful, it will need to be valued and respected by the industry, individual consultants and firms, as well as by clients seeking professional and qualified consulting support.

As with other chartered qualifications, those seeking the award will be required to meet initial entry criteria and undergo a rigorous assessment process.

Ann Francke and Alan Leaman added: “We are in the early stages of the project, and will want to engage and consult with a wide range of interested parties, including members of CMI and MCA, other professional bodies and consulting firms of all sizes.

Our aim is to keep interested parties aware of progress as the project develops, and to consult as widely as possible. We will welcome feedback as the project proceeds.”

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David Pippett, Director, DWP Public Relations
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Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

CMI is the only chartered professional body in the UK dedicated to promoting the highest standards in management and leadership excellence.

With a member community of over 100,000, CMI has been providing forward-thinking advice and support for more than 60 years. We continue to give managers and leaders, and the organisations they work in, the tools they need to improve their performance and make an impact. We are a UK awarding body for management and leadership qualifications, and the only body that awards Chartered Manager, the hallmark of any professional manager.

Institute of Consulting (IC)

The Institute of Consulting (IC) is the professional body for the consultancy profession. The IC is an organisation within the Chartered Management Institute. Combined with the influence and resources of the Chartered Management Institute, the IC is in the unique position of supporting individuals whose collective impact is to enhance performance in small and large organisations across the private, public and voluntary sectors.

The IC offers those working or interested in consulting a dynamic range of products and services, from specialist qualifications to tailored membership packages to those seeking procurement advice.

Management Consultancies Association (MCA)

The MCA is the representative body for management consultancy firms in the UK. Its mission is to promote the value of management consultancy for the economy and society as a whole. The MCA's member companies which is over 60 per cent of the UK consulting industry, employ around 35,000 consultants and work with over 90 of the top FTSE 100 companies and almost all parts of the public sector. The UK consulting industry is amongst the best in the world and a vital part of the business landscape.

Compliance with the MCA's tough entry criteria and rigorous Code of Practice means that MCA member companies are widely acknowledged to provide high quality services to their clients.