Eden McCallum – Consumer Sentiment Survey



Gloomy consumers are cutting back on fashion, entertainment and restaurants – June 2022.

Rising concern about household budgets and the wider economy is the headline finding from the latest Eden McCallum survey of consumer sentiment in the UK and the Netherlands.

Around 3,000 UK and Dutch citizens were asked for their views on a range of questions concerning their personal and professional lives. Broadly, respondents are tightening budgets and are braced for a difficult few months. There are still some optimists out there, but in general the mood has darkened somewhat over the past six months.

UK consumers have become more gloomy about the future since October last year. 36% now hold a pessimistic view compared with 30% then. In the Netherlands, by contrast, levels of pessimism about the future have remained broadly flat since October. Dutch pessimists are outnumbered two to one by optimists, while in the UK the ratio is almost one to one.


Read more about this on their website.