Life expectancy in the UK has increased from 68 to 82 since the NHS was founded in 1948 thanks to advances in public health and medical care. And it’s set to increase further with the proportion of over 85s in the UK predicted to more than triple by 2066 according to the ONS.
This great progress brings its challenges, with more people than ever before living with multiple long-term medical conditions and complex social care needs. To address this, the NHS long term plan shifts to ‘out-of-hospital’ care and introduces the Ageing Well programme, which focuses on improving quality of life.
One of the pillars of this programme is the introduction of two Urgent Community Response Standards which systems nationwide are expected to achieve in the next 3 years to reduce unnecessary admission and stays in hospitals.
In this article, PSC tackle how reaching these standards would lead to better care, and deep dive into methods that need to be employed in the NHS to achieve these standards.
Read more about this on their website.