The migration to cloud solutions continues unabated and the COVID-19 health crisis has simply accelerated the race to innovate using an array of services that dramatically enhance productivity, capabilities and efficiencies. These outweigh the disadvantages of adopting such solutions but working in the cloud does not relieve your organisation of data privacy and security concerns.
As technology and cloud solutions become more sophisticated, so do the efforts of hackers endlessly crafting creative new ways to access your sensitive data. With businesses turning to the cloud, now is the time to ensure these services are governed and monitored by corporate IT, risk and cyber security professionals who understand today’s emerging threats and regulatory requirements.
In Securing the cloud — the next chapter, we explore how the rapid adoption of cloud services during the pandemic has spotlighted the critical need for a strategic vision during every cloud adoption. We’ll examine how today’s new reality and threat landscape requires security teams to move beyond traditional approaches to effectively manage security and protect vital business assets. We will also uncover why your business should enact crucial steps designed to govern cloud-security solutions, to avoid opening the door to new attacks.
Read the full insight on the KPMG website