KPMG: UK Regions – A Framework for Growth


Regional inequality in the UK is not just a recent phenomenon. Despite efforts to accelerate economic growth beyond London, the gap has been widening since the 1980s. The task that lies ahead is to stimulate growth across all areas of the UK, providing opportunities to reap the benefits of technological change and increased productivity for all our communities.

Our UK regions: A Framework for Growth report outlines an approach to lift regional growth outside London and the South East, which calls for a greater emphasis on agglomeration and devolution, while adhering to a framework of interventions across three pillars:

  1. Creating a fertile business environment – covering key areas of business infrastructure such as transport, telecommunications and office space, as well as initiatives to boost innovation and funding support
  2. Building magnets for people – including investment in education and skills, as well as in housing, cultural and leisure amenities
  3. Enabling governance – through both a winning vision for the region, and an effective ability to execute policy

To find out more, download the UK regions: A Framework for Growth report on KPMG’s website.