Re-connect talent – KPMG Smart Government


New ways of working in the digital era require government workers and leaders to have different skills. According to KPMG, smart governments will be attractive to the next-generation public services workforce. Employee expectations have evolved, making it necessary for government organisations to rethink their culture and employee value proposition.

These reports include practical ideas and methods to help government and public sector organisations attract, engage, and retain a digital and diverse workforce that will support their digital journey. KPMG  shares how to plan for the organisation’s workforce needs; how to create a culture that encourages innovation, uses a flexible work model, and offers training and career development that today’s workers expect. And they also offer ideas that challenge the traditional ways government organisations compete for talent.

Smart governments will be attractive to the next-generation public workforce. As skills evolve and the fight to recruit and retain skilled candidates intensifies, job seekers and employees are in control. Organisations need their workforce and leadership to drive modernisation while continuing to deliver on their missions.

Read more on their website.