Project Management and Controls (PM&C) Identity and eLearning
The Project Management and Controls Transformation objective was to implement a project and management and controls capability appropriate for the scale and complexity of large-scale multiple programmes.
One of the key areas of our support was the development of a range of eLearning modules. The objective of which was to provide colleagues a foundation level knowledge of Project Management and Controls (PM&C).
A main part of our approach was to support one of our clients apprentices (Kirsten Bell) who had been given the overall project management of this project that contributed to her final year in her apprenticeship.
Kirsten became a key member of the team and provided stakeholder engagement support for our learning lead and senior learning consultant.
Key to our approach was the importance we placed on looking to understand the subtleties of the organisation – its product, its culture, its history and vision.
Most symbolic of this was our work to create an identity for the Project Management and Controls community.
We helped ensure the PM&C community became easily visible and identifiable across the wider organisation. One Team, Working Towards One Goal.
Working in Partnership
We worked closely with the People Capability team we supported the development and tailoring of six individual eLearning modules that provided an in-depth overview of each capability area that makes up the PM&C function.
The PM&C community were always at the heart of our solution which provided a future-ready, streamlined, digitally enabled approach to Project Management and Controls.
By implementing new ways of working this encouraged a people-first approach to the development of the eLearning modules which placed colleagues at the heart throughout their entire user experience.
This unique approach was praised by our client as an excellent approach and it built the foundation for the Project Management and Controls community.
Developing a Learning Culture
Creating a learning culture within the PM&C community was an important aspect of the success of the project.
We supported and completed a learning needs analysis which led to the development of an overall learning strategy.
A learning curriculum was designed, and we also developed a range of learning material to support the rollout of deployments across process, technology and governance.
All this material was held in the rollout of a dedicated learning faculty for PM&C colleagues.
View the Sysdoc profile in the MCA Members Directory.