Rising Star
Aiyesha is a thriving consultant in the field of AI and data. Her story is one of growth and overcoming disadvantage, where from struggling as a student, she has quickly become an academic achiever and a passionate teacher. Her narrative is not just about overcoming barriers, but about taking control and redefining those barriers through learning and development.
A female from an ethnic minority, Aiyesha also grew up in a broken home and attended what the media once referred to as ‘the worst school in England’. Her journey has been one of transforming these challenges into stepping stones, which have led her to places she once believed were beyond her reach. Her achievements to date at EY are certainly testament to the unyielding power of hard work and self-belief.
Although she’s only been in the consulting industry for a year, Aiyesha is already making meaningful contributions. Her work at EY is broad, spanning continuous learning and advocating for Women in Tech and STEM, to recruitment, sustainability and charity projects. Aiyesha has quickly evolved into an extremely valuable subject matter resource (SMR) in sustainable reporting, leads EY’s AI and Data team at Birmingham, and started an AI learning club, all while completing a master’s in business analytics.
Her narrative is one of unwavering perseverance and impactful change, shattering stereotypes and glass ceilings and redefining possibilities. She is an inspiration to many, both at the EY and beyond.
View the EY profile in the MCA Members Directory.