Social Value
Reducing demand on GP practices and secondary care settings while improving local health outcomes and reducing health inequalities was seen as imperative in supporting the wellbeing of over 2 million residents.
North East London Integrated Care System (NEL ICS) was at the start of their personalised care and social prescribing journey, which would be key to achieving this vision. In order to provide the right services to residents and to understand who was benefiting and how, NEL needed a strong data foundation against which, activity and outcomes could be measured. However, there was very little precedence nationally as to how to achieve this.
BearingPoint worked with North East London over the course of nearly two years to shape a programme of work that would drive social prescribing data and digital capability and support social prescribing services in optimising and improving service quality to the benefit of local residents.
BearingPoint and NEL put in place the tools required to capture and evaluate the activity and outcomes of social prescribing across seven local authorities and 43 Primary Care Networks and ensured that local demand for services and where focus was required could be understood.
The project helped North East London become national leaders in social prescribing evaluation and to support social prescribing services in providing the highest quality interventions to serve the needs of some of the most vulnerable residents in London and the country.
View the BearingPoint profile in the MCA Members Directory.