The future of procurement


We need to balance value and risk whilst improving experience-centricity.

That’s the question chief procurement officers need to be asking themselves.

Because businesses are facing unprecedented change and disruption. The industry landscape is constantly evolving, and for some organisations, their very existence is under threat – especially in the new reality. Consumerisation, increasing regulations, and shifts to outcome-based pricing are just a few reasons why procurement leaders are re-evaluating their strategies.

Then there’s the impact of automation and analytics, self-service, and a myriad of user-friendly processes, policies and procedures. Add to this the ever-present pressure to do more with less, and it would appear the role of procurement is shifting dramatically, with a focus on adding value.

Procurement has a bright future. It just needs a strategic re-evaluation, and to harness new technologies to become more agile and resilient.

More details on their website.