The UK’s top Change Management in the Public Sector projects

Nine Change Management in the Public Sector projects, from eight individual MCA member firms have been chosen as finalists for the 2017 MCA Awards. This award recognises excellent demonstration of a structured transition from a current state to a desired state involving major, sometimes transformational changes in how an organisation does things, rather than merely the improved performance of existing processes. This could include organisational change and restructuring, cultural change, Target Operating Model initiatives, fundamental reengineering of approaches and post-merger activity.

The winners will be announced at the MCA Awards Ceremony & Dinner, held at the Park Plaza Westminster on 27 April 2017. All MCA awards are judged by an independent expert panel of judges who have experience of working in the public and private sectors, universities, consultancy or journalism.

The summaries of all the finalists can be found below:

Arcadis with Ministry of Justice

At the forefront of implementing the Cabinet Office’s ‘Cluster’ policy, Arcadis is playing a leading role in re-framing service delivery across Government, supporting the creation of the largest single Shared Estates Service in Whitehall. Harnessing the experience of 400 property specialists, Arcadis has brought their skills and methodologies across a range of disciplines to help establish a new Shared Estate function that has integrated different property teams to deliver a cohesive property service to multiple Government Departments and Agencies. This will achieve significant outcomes including a reduction in headcount and £20m per annum of savings through co-location opportunities.

Atkins with Department for Transport

A Government-backed scheme, known as the Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP), which was set up to drive innovation and efficiency within the highways sector, has been so successful that the industry has rallied together to ensure its future is secure. Atkins 
worked with the Department for Transport to enable local highway authorities to work more collaboratively and to generate increased efficiencies, as a way of limiting the impact of a reduction in their budgets. The programme was such as a success that it has transitioned from being a government-led entity into one that’s directed and owned by the sector itself.

Atkins with Highways England

A Government-owned company has changed the way it manages England’s strategic road network to put people, not just infrastructure, at its heart. Highways England replaced the Highways Agency in April 2015, assuming responsibility for the 

maintenance, operation and modernisation of the country’s motorways and major A-roads. Since then, it has transformed the way the company, its partners and suppliers work together to make our roads safer and less congested. Atkins supported Highways England through this complex change programme. Their approach has been deemed successful and is now being extended nationally, starting in four key areas.

Deloitte with Hampshire County Council

In 2015, Hampshire County Council (HCC) embarked on a £100m efficiency programme. The Council required its Adult Social Care department to contribute £43m to this target, approximately 15% of their operating budget.

HCC partnered with Deloitte to realise these savings by transforming the operating model of the service, which employs a first-of-its-kind tier-based Care Offer for the delivery of social care services. The team also introduced a new approach for handling the 110,000 annual requests into its contact centre, focusing on delegating greater responsibility to call handlers and resolving more questions at the first point of contact.

EY with Greater Manchester Police

To reduce crime and repeat offending, police officers need to understand their local communities and address the root cause of the problems they face. For Greater Manchester Police (GMP), this meant adopting new ways of working, and gathering and acting on information more efficiently. EY enabled this shift by integrating mobile technology across GMP’s workforce, leading to 500,000 transactions (e.g. witness statements) being conducted via the device, instead of at the station or via radio. As a result, GMP is estimated to have released 101,000 operational policing hours for officers to spend more time within the communities they serve, helping to keep people safe.

GE Healthcare Finnamore with Midlands & Lancashire CSU

Midlands and Lancs Commissioning Support Unit employs 1300 staff in locations from Lancashire, to Staffordshire, Birmingham and Herefordshire. They provide end-to-end commissioning support services to 39 Clinical Commissioning Groups, covering 9.2m people.

EHCF was commissioned to review the service development strategy, preparation of responses to Invitation to Tenders and the mobilisation of new business.

The consultants embedded themselves into the organisation enabling the change in dynamics and the introduction of a robust approach to bid qualification, assignment of bid managers, bid writers, review processes and pitch presentations giving an 80% bid win rate, worth £25 million.

Integration Management Consulting Ltd with Department for International Trade

The Department for International Trade (DIT, formerly UKTI) appointed Integration Management Consulting (IMC) to help attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the UK from Latin America. An innovative and collaborative relationship between DIT and IMC, along with clear governance and robust methodologies, are just some of the reasons behind the achievements of the project. Two and a half years later, the results are compelling. Latin America is now the fastest growing FDI generation region in all DIT operations and more than £100 million has been invested from the region in the UK as a result.

KPMG with Western Sussex NHS Hospitals

With KPMG’s help, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has made enormous progress in enhancing quality of care for patients and reducing costs, through a Lean management programme.

KPMG recognise that whole system change is about more than tools and techniques, introducing coaching and training, to equip staff to address problems and coach others.

The results have been dramatic across several key indicators. More importantly, every member of the Trust is now fully focused on creating better patient care.

Subsequently, Western Sussex became only the third acute trust in England to be rated ‘outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission.

PPL with West London Alliance

Our health and care services are under unprecedented pressure, nowhere more evident than in our major hospitals. PPL was commissioned by the West London Alliance to work with colleagues across the health and social care sector on improving experience and outcomes for local patients and reducing pressures on local hospital services. Evaluation to-date has shown significant reductions in delayed transfer of care, a freeing up of nurses, therapist and social worker time, and strong support from both NHS and local authority staff for the change. It has produced a practical solution being scaled across North West London and beyond.