by Deloitte High impact events and economic shocks will continue to happen. To survive and…
Thought Leadership

KPMG: Reinventing work – A sequel to the Rise of the Humans series
Putting aside for a moment the significant personal and social impact of COVID-19 and focusing on the world of work, we will look back on 2020 as a year of revolution and change.

CF: Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on patients across the pathway
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on healthcare systems around the world, in large part due to the need for capacity to treat COVID cases

Arcadis: Realising the opportunity in infrastructure projects: A view from our leaders of the future
Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy and society – it enables businesses and communities to be connected, services to be provided

PPL: Protecting the NHS: lessons from the Pandemic
In March 2020, whilst millions of people across England went into lockdown, the NHS embarked on its biggest liberation in a generation.

PWC: 23rd CEO Survey – UK findings
Economic uncertainty is the single biggest concern among UK CEOs this year. But many are tackling it head-on with a series of practical and purposeful measures

Deloitte: M&A and COVID-19: Charting new horizons
As companies embark on the path to recovery, M&A is poised to have an outsized influence in shaping the “next normal.”

EY: Analysis of UK Profit Warnings
EY has tracked profit warnings from UK registered companies listed on the UK’s Main Market or AIM for 20 years, giving us powerful insight into business

Mason Advisory: What next for IT? Five strategic lessons for the post-Covid reality
Concluding our series of articles on the post-Covid reality, we explore five common themes that should be considered across the end user and broader IT strategy

JCURV: Are You Feeling Empowered? How to take Control
We hope our short guide will enable individuals to take control of their own development – helping them grow and enjoy their roles more