by Gobeyond Partners Our latest insight explores how consumers are demanding more human experiences, even…
Thought Leadership

Arup: Making great strides: Learning from the revolution on Milan’s post pandemic streets
Empty streets, empty buses, commuter-less streets, 2020’s months of lockdown have offered urban planners a unique chance to carry out research…

Observatory International: Modern Marketeer Capabilities
Understanding our capabilities, resources and relationships as marketeers has never been more important. Danny Hill at The Observatory International, explains.

EY: Top 10 challenges and opportunities for the COVID-19 impacted digital household
New research reveals how the COVID-19 pandemic is dramatically impacting households’ digital activities and the relationships with their providers.

Coeus Consulting: 2020 CIO and IT Leadership Survey on the topic of ‘Data’
The organisations that will succeed in a data-driven world are those that understand how to manage and integrate data into their operating model to unlock business value from their data assets

Deloitte: Security Operations, the Central Nervous System of any Cyber Programme
Organisations’ ability to detect and respond is behind the curve. We must be ready to evolve, understand the critical needs of the business and transform Security Operations

Unit4: Delivering Superior Customer Services Performance in Uncertain Times
In this executive white paper, SPI Research will analyze and highlight some of the areas where professional services organizations (PSOs) can improve performance given the changing world, with clear recommendations for success.

BearingPoint: Public servant experience: transforming beyond citizen experience
The public sector has been forced to adapt to COVID-19 more than any other and while we may never return to the old ‘normal’, we can tentatively look forward to the new.

BCS Consulting: Even in challenging times, changing payments is the only constant
There is arguably nothing more critical to the economy than to keep money moving securely. Read on as we share our industry insights on changing payments

Deloitte: The future of the City – Digital demands
The COVID-19 lockdown has been a catalyst for the adoption of digital technologies in financial services (FS). In retail banking, for example, the use of apps has rocketed.